Boost High-Profit
Local Service Leads

We build expertly crafted local lead generation websites for home service contractors and tradesmen.

Done-For-You Local SEO Sites that Rank Fast

At Sites n Leads, we leverage 15 years of local SEO expertise to create lead generation websites that not only attract but convert. Specializing in identifying profitable service niches and locations, we ensure your lead site is positioned to generate leads for your most profitable services. From sourcing targeted domain names to designing professional websites built for conversion, every detail is meticulously crafted for peak performance.

Targeted Niche Selection

We help you identify the most profitable service areas to ensure your website captures high-intent local traffic

Conversion-Optimized Web Design

Our websites are professionally designed to turn visitors into leads, with a focus on user experience and conversion efficiency.

All Content Done For You

All content is created for you by our inhouse team of native English content writers and editors. Specialists in content that ranks and converts for all home service niches.

Custom Domain Sourcing

Your online presence starts with the right domain name, strategically chosen to boost SEO and brand recognition.

Rich Local SEO Foundation

Drawing from extensive local SEO experience, every website is optimized with precision, setting a solid foundation for high rankings.

Powerful Linkbuilding

We build a powerful natural link profile from citations and crowd links to authority links from industry websites. These links drive traffic and strong signals to search engines.

Benefits for Contractors

  • Strategic Market Entry: Enter the market with a website expertly tuned to dominate specific local searches and attract relevant traffic.
  • Boost Your Brand’s SEO: Boost your main brand’s online authority with a strategically linked network of service-specific sites.
  • Enhanced Lead Generation: Secure more leads with our specialized websites, each designed to capture and convert traffic for specific services and locations.

Benefits for Marketing Agencies

  • Flexible Website Monetisation: Agencies can rent out our high-performance websites to clients, or sell the leads directly to clients.
  • Backlink Opportunities: Boost your contractor clients website rankings by integrating powerful, industry relevant backlinks from your lead sites.
  • Volume Pricing for Networks: Whether you need a single website or a multi-site network, our volume pricing ensures scalability and affordability, accommodating all your project requirements.

Our Reviews

The Sites N Leads team is professional, responsive, and always ready to support us. Their expertise in creating local SEO sites that rank quickly has helped us deliver outstanding results for our clients and we couldn’t be happier with the partnership.
Michael Brown

Agency Owner

Sites N Leads has been a fantastic investment for my electrical company. The team made the entire process hassle-free and provided excellent support throughout. My business has seen a noticeable increase in clients since launching the new site.
Sarah Martinez

Electrical Contractor

My website started to bring in leads after about 6 weeks. I highly recommend Sites N Leads to any contractor looking to boost their ranking and grow their business.
John Anderson

Plumbing Contractor

As a marketing agency, we needed a reliable partner to help our clients with their online presence. Sites N Leads has exceeded our expectations. Their done-for-you local SEO sites rank fast and deliver impressive results, complimenting our Google Ads traffic to deliver more volume and cost effective leads.
Emily Roberts

Google Ads Specialist

Our Commitment to Real Results

At Sites n Leads, we implement strategic methods that accelerate the local SEO process, optimizing your site for quicker and more effective lead acquisition. It’s important to maintain practical expectations; many elements influencing SEO are outside direct control. Our focus is on laying a robust SEO groundwork that ensures your website can excel in a competitive local market.

Here are examples of our own websites with 50-300% boosted traffic growth in the last 6 months. The same team and know how goes into every local SEO website we build to grow your empire.

Why Partner with Sites n Leads?

  • Proven Expertise: Benefit from over a decade of focused local SEO experience in every project.
  • Tailored Strategies: Each website is a unique strategy, designed with the target market and specific client goals in mind.
  • Ongoing Optimization: We ensure the website remains up to date with the latest SEO practices, continuously enhancing its performance.
  • Transparent Metrics: We provide clear, detailed metrics that track the progress of your rankings and lead generation.
300+ Websites Built
15+ Years Experience
45000+ Keywords Ranked

Lead Generation Website Designs

A precision-engineered and optimised Sites n Leads website adds a new pipeline of leads for your most profitable services and locations. We have created high conversion themes for various construction and home services businesses including plumbers, electricians, solar and roofing contractors.

Electrican Parramatta
Dayton Plumbing Services
Solar Repair Sydney

Get Your SEO-Optimized Website in Just 10 Days

At Sites n Leads, we understand the urgency of getting your online presence up and running. That’s why we deliver your fully optimized website within just 10 days, ensuring you can start attracting leads without delay.

Niche domain selection: We help you identify the most profitable services and source the best domain for your local area marketing goals.

Website launch: Within 10 days, your local website design is ready to go live and get to work. Built on WordPress for DIY updates or done for you with our lead site care plans.

Foundation Links Completion: Within 45 days, we establish up to 60 foundation and industry links to enhance your site’s indexing, authority and SEO impact.

Complimentary Ranking Report: After 90 days, receive a detailed ranking report that evaluates your website’s performance and provides insights to ensure your site continues to thrive.

Scale Up Your Digital Strategy Today

A precision-engineered and optimised Sites n Leads website can revolutionize your online presence. We integrate the latest technology to get you started on the path to dominating high-profit services in your area.

Lead Generation Website Pricing

Website Package Features

Service Pages: Localised content focused on conversion for key high profit services.

Foundation Links: Essential backlinks to help your site start ranking in search results.

Lead Capture Forms: Capture essential customer information and seamlessly follow up on leads.

Local Landing Pages: Targeted pages optimized for specific local markets to attract area-specific traffic and leads.

Industry Links: High-quality guest posts on industry related websites to enhance your domain authority and reach.

Call Tracking Integration: Optionally add popular call tracking scripts to streamline customer service and data collection.

Blog Posts: Fresh, original content tailored to your industry to help boost SEO and engage visitors.

Basic Logo Design: We can add your own logo or design a logo to enhance your brand identity.

Ranking Report: Receive a complimentary ranking report after 90 days for performance insights.

Get Your SEO-Optimized Website in Just 10 Days

Why wait when you can have a local lead generation website in just 10 days!

Linkbuilding Packages $249/month

Link Building for construction, contractors, and home services that move the needle. These are the manually created hand picked backlinks we use for our own websites.
  • 6-8 Backlinks: A natural mix of anchor text, do-follow and no-follow links
  • Industry Links: Guest posts and niche edits on industry-related websites
  • Crowd Links: From social media platforms, forums, and blog comments

Site Care Plan $99/month

Our site care plan seamlessly maintains your Sites n Leads website so you are hands of and free to work on important tasks for your business. Key Features are:
  • WordPress Security: Key security measures including vulnerability updates
  • Performance: Speed optimisation and automatic conversion updates
  • WordPress Support: Our team are on hand for any updates you need

Sites N Leads FAQ

A precision-engineered and optimised Sites n Leads website can revolutionize your online presence. We integrate the latest technology to get you started on the path to dominating high-profit services in your area.

How long does it take to get a website?
We deliver a fully optimized website within 10 days, ensuring you can start attracting leads quickly.
Do I need to provide hosting?

Yes, for Australian websites, you need a hosting account at Dream IT Host, and for USA websites, you need a hosting account at Namecheap. We can work with other hosting providers on request as long as they have a CPanel account. Please provide access details to the hosting account for us to upload your website files and database.

What other information do I need to provide?

You’ll need to provide the niche, target location, phone number and register the domain name before we get started on your local lead generation website.

What about call tracking services?

If you are using a call tracking service for your phone numbers like Avanser, CallRail, WhatConverts or Wildjar we can add a call tracking script to the website.

Who writes the content?

All content is done for you by our inhouse team of native English content writers and editors. They are well versed in content that converts for all home service niches from plumbing to pest control. Utilising the latest technology including programmatic SEO and generative AI ensures we are producing perfectly optimised content at affordable rates.

Can you help choose a niche and location?

Yes! Your lead site should target a key service for your business. For example, a plumber may want more blocked drain cleaning leads, so a related lead site would focus on drain cleaning services. It’s best to target one city or region near your location.

Do you create custom branded websites?

We can add your logo, brand colours and reviews to your local lead generation website for an additional $300 fee. Contact us to discuss full custom branded website needs.

How many websites should a business have?
It really depends on your goals and business. Who wouldn’t want additional lead websites filling their job pipeline? For local services, there are two ways to approach this. Firstly, like a franchise, you can create websites targeting each region in your service area. Websites for specific services like company departments is another logic way to focus leads.

Nearly every successful company has more than one website generating leads. Linking back to your main business website can lift it’s ranking as a bonus, since the lead site is highly relevant and local.

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